Material and corrosion

Material Selection

Material Selection for Plants and pipelines

CESCOR provides engineering services for the materials selection in the following sectors:

  • Oil up-stream and mid-stream
  • Chemistry and petrochemistry
  • Pharmaceutical and food.

In the sector of oil and gas production, the process of material selection interests the following structures, installed both to earth and at sea:

  • Oil production and water and gas re-injection wells
  • Functional units and utilities in plants for the treatment of oil and gas
  • Pipes for the collection, the re-injection, the transfer and the exporting of fluids 

The material selection engineering identifies, for every component, the most suitable materials from the point of view of their resistance to aggressive environments - inside and outside - and their economic advantage. The aspects correlated to such choice are treated, especially those concerning metallurgy and welding. The material selection is supported by a strong analysis of corrosion and completed by the identification of adequate corrosion control systems and of those requirements for particular services like sour service and low temperatures. Another important part of such activity is the preparation of material selection sketches in AutoCAD format in order to visualize on the process schemes the materials and the selected corrosion control methods.

Metallurgy & Welding

Metallurgical requirements of metallic materials and welding.

CESCOR provides professional support within the frame of materials and pipes for the transportation of hydrocarbons and other fluids in the oil sector. Main activities are:

  • The definition of metallurgical requirements of pipe components (fittings, flanges, insulating joints, valves)
  • The definition of welding requirements
  • The evaluation and technical comparison of suppliers offers
  • The analysis of the documentation provided by suppliers and of the materials testing results
  • The inspections for the quality control on suppliers productive sites

Technical documentation produced consists of:

  • Specifications and datasheet of the pipes.
  • Specifications of welding
  • Schemes of alignment for the technical evaluation of the offers.
  • Comment sheets for the management of technical comments with the suppliers.
  • Evaluation reports on the inspected data and on the material testing
  • Reports on the inspections on productive sites (Factory Assessment Testing. FAT)

CESCOR developed specific competences on:

  • Pipes in carbon steel.
  • Pipes in corrosion resistant alloys (CRAs).
  • Pipes in carbon steel plated with corrosion resistant alloys (clad pipes and lined pipes)

Corrosion Monitoring

Monitoring systems design of internal corrosion

CESCOR designs and optimizes monitoring systems for the internal corrosion on oil and gas treatment plants The most common probes, both of intrusive and non-intrusive types, are:
  • Corrosion coupons
  • Electical resistance ER probes
  • Linear Polarization probes (LPR probes)
  • Probes for the sand content survey (sand probes).
  • Probes for the bacterial charge survey (bio probes).
  • Fixed probes for the measurement of the pipe thickness
The activity consists in identifying the most suitable typology of the probe for the survey of a determined mechanism of degradation, the necessary number of probes and the correct positioning of the same inside the plant. The requirements of substitution and or maintenance frequency of the probes and of corrosion data management are integral part of the activities.

Chemical Treatments

Chemical treatments for the control of corrosion

The treatment through chemical products of process fluids is a system largely used in the oil industry for the control of corrosiveness of the fluids and often the use of determined materials exposed to aggressive fluids is subordinated to the correct application of one or more chemical treatments. The most frequent chemical treatments used for the control of corrosion are:
  • Corrosion inhibitors
  • Biocides
  • Oxygen and H2S scavengers
  • Glycol
  • PH Stabilizers
During the project phase CESCOR prepares specifications for the definition of the followings aspects:

  • Evaluation of opportunity and necessity to treat the fluids with chemical products.
  • Selection of treatment typologies and injection methods.
  • Definition of chemical dosages
  • Selection and qualification of chemical product
During the phase of exercise CESCOR evaluates the performance of the chemical treatments applied based on the available inspected results and on those related to a components failure.
Cescor Srl - Ingegneria della corrosione e protezione catodica.


Cescor Srl
Via Maniago 12
20134 MILANO (Italy)
Tel +39 02 26412538
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P.IVA e C.F. 11151040158 

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